
Rayne Technology Solutions, Inc. Blog

Rayne Technology Solutions, Inc. has been serving the Monterey area since 2008, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tech terms to know in the modern business world

Tech terms to know in the modern business world

Tech terms are everywhere, and it seems like everyone uses them nonstop. But do they actually know what they mean …? Do you...?

If not, here are a few tech terms every modern business professional should be familiar with. Learn what each term means and pick up a few conversation starters in the process.

Cloud Computing

When you store your data within a remote or offsite server, you rely on the cloud to handle business. This usually means you can access your data from any location or with any connected device. It improves your flexibility and makes your business more mobile.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN gives you and your staff the ability to access your private business server using a public network. In other words, you can work and send information using any internet connection, as if your computer was directly connected to the private network. This is highly recommended if you have remote employees.


A keyword is what people use to search for something on the internet. It isn’t always one word, and it can be as generic or as a specific as you need it to be. This word or phrase should sum up the gist of your webpage and help people find your site easier.


A vector can be many things, but here, it’s a graphic. These graphics are made up of “paths” rather than pixels, making them easy to work with. A designer can cut these images out with little hassle and use them within a design. Typically, vectors seem more “cartoonish” in nature.

Hot Spot

At this point, most everyone should know what a hot spot is but just in case… A hot spot is simply an area that provides internet access, typically found in places like a coffee shop, airport, hotel, or college campus. It isn’t always free, and sometimes it’s password-protected.  


UX stands for user experience. When you have a good UX, it normally means you have a pretty solid website (or app). In others, people enjoy being on your site (or app). It’s easy to get to, easy to maneuver through, and nice to look at.


Information technology is the long-winded version of I.T. This term encompasses your network and all the hardware within it that stores, sends, and receives data.

Managed Services Providers (MSPs)

A Managed Services Provider is basically an I.T. company that proactively maintains and monitors your network, hardware, and technology infrastructure as a whole. Traditional I.T. companies use the Break-Fix model (Your computer breaks, you call the company, and they come and fix it). On the other hand, MSPs regularly update and manage all aspects of your technology to fix issues before they even happen.

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Rayne Technology Solutions
484 Lighthouse Avenue Suite 206
Monterey, California 93940

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